Monday, July 19, 2010


Welcome to my first ever blog!!!

I have been reading the blogs of other PC volunteers already in Nicaragua ever since I found out where the Peace Corps would be sending me. So I figured that I should probably make one of my own. After a lot of trial and error I was finally able to set up a blog for myself. I got a lot of inspiration from other PC volunteers and their blogs but there is still design and formatting stuff I'd still like to do but have yet to figure out. In any event I'm sure that I will get plenty of practice blogging in the upcoming months. 

As would be expected I'm both excited and nervous as hell about my newest adventure. I think it is just because I have been stressing out about packing and the different seasons....or lack there of as I have found out from my online research. Hot and rainy or hot and not rainy, depending on the time of year haha.  That among many other things I'm sure I will adapt to.  Being from Oregon I am more accustomed to temperate weather, and no rookie when it come to rain just like any other native Oregonian. However from what I've read these Nicaraguan rainstorms sound much more intense that your average Oregon rainstorm. We'll see.  

I am ready to expect the unexpected and take on challenges head on as they come. This will be my 3rd time away from my family and friends for a long period of time and probably won't be the last. Although its never easy I am getting better with practice. Comes with the territory of traveling I guess. Right now I'd much rather do this than sit behind a desk or in a cubicle.

 "20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” 
– Mark Twain 

I love this quote I think its very true and is how I want to live my life. They say being a Peace Corps volunteer is the toughest job you'll ever love.  I say BRING IT ON!! 


  1. Hey Sam, I came across your page through another Peace Corps blog, and I just wanted to say hey, because I will also be heading to Nicaragua to do TEFL (leaving Aug. 31, probably the same as you). It's definitely comforting to know that right now someone else is in the same position as me, with the same excitement and nerves. Anyways, if you want to contact me, my email is, or feel free to look me up on facebook. Si no, nos vemos en Nicaragua.

    Andrea Morris,

  2. Having Sam as my summer roomate, is always an experience and never a dull momemt. We just had lunch and I realized just how much I am going to miss him. Be safe you very very much Mom
